
Osfelle Claimed

Tejkunipara, Farmgate, 31, Dhaka, dhaka 1215, Bangladesh

Business Details

Your access to diverse leather goods

Whether you are a fashion startup, accessories startup, individual designer, designer with a small team, a small business owner with no designer or even if you are a growing brand willing to cut your inventory, as long as you are working with leather goods or crafts, you should join our cause, your favorite leather bag manufacturer, Osfelle. Let us help you grow, and know that you are helping another struggling business to grow.
Tejkunipara, Farmgate, 31, Dhaka, dhaka 1215, Bangladesh

About directory

Market Bangladesh is a dynamic online directory. It helps to increase and expand business. One can create firms or shop profiles and add images of products & services with the help of our representatives and also create Offers and Events. It will be effective and efficient for all classes of people and businesses. Continue

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